man page pg_dump section 1

Merek: pg_dump

pg_dump   pg_dump pg_dump is a utility for backing up a PostgreSQL database. It makes consistent backups even if the database is being used concurrently. pg_dump. The pg_dump tool is a command-line utility that you can use to create a logical backup of a PostgreSQL database. The pg_dump extracts a PostgreSQL

pg_dump The most simple case is dumping and restoring on the same server: $ pg_dump -h localhost -Fc test > /home/postgres/dump.sql $ pg_restore -h localhost test < / Mengekspor semua database. pg_dumpall adalah utilitas yang memungkinkan Anda mengekstrak semua database PostgreSQL dari sebuah cluster ke dalam satu file skrip.

pg_dump pg_dump is already there in postgres's bin directory. So you just need to append that bin path manually to the PATH environment PostgreSQL pg_dump is a database tool that helps you make automatic, consistent backups. For example, you can back up offline and online databases. The utility

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